Enduro 250 H6 año 1977 Montesa Enduro and Bultaco chain tensioner rubber ref.66203711 66203711 €13.56 Chain tensioner rubber Montesa Enduro 250 -360 and some Bultaco models Add to cart
Montesa Cota 247 Soporte cuentakilometros cota Ref 213500401 213500401 €9.44 Soporte cuentakilometros cota Add to cart
Montesa Cota 348 Tornillos tapa encendido cota 348 unidad Ref 260112 260112 €4.84 Ignition cover screw set level 348. Sold per unit. Add to cart
Montesa Cota 123 Claxon con soporte cota Ref 5480 5480 €20.90 Claxon con soporte para cota Add to cart
Enduro 250 H6 año 1981 Grifo Gasolina anclaje tornillos enduro 250 y 360 ref.542003301 542003301 €13.94 Add to cart
Cappra 125 VB 1976 Tope horquilla Montesa Enduro y Cappra con valvula ref.412523401 412523401 €38.50 Long fork stopper for Montesa Enduro and Cappra with valve, stopper suitable for Betor bars Add to cart
Montesa Cota 247 Rear brake lever spring Height 74-247-348 and Enduro 250-360 Ref.2155152 2155152 €5.72 Front brake lever spring dimension 74-247-348 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 247 Goma tensor cadena cota 247 Ref 212037101 212037101 €12.04 Goma tensor cadena cota 247 Add to cart
Enduro 360 H6 año 1979 kit retenes Motor Enduro-Cappra 360 ref.099305001 099305001 €18.15 Add to cart
Montesa Brio 90 Bolas direccion impala y brio Ref 94316 94316 €3.19 Game balls direction Montesa Impala, Brio, Cota, Enduro Add to cart
Montesa Cota 348 Kit retenes rueda trasera Cota 348 ref.0992135 0992135 €12.15 Rear wheel seal kit Montesa Cota 348 Add to cart
-15% Camisetas Vintage and Custom t-shirt ref.R01508 €12.75 €15.00 Short sleeve t-shirt with Vintage and Custom design Add to cart
-15% Camisetas Camiseta East Ridge Ref R01502 €12.75 €15.00 East Ridge Short Sleeve T-Shirt Add to cart
Montesa impala Turismo copy of Tetón centrado cárter y tapas Motores Montesa ref. 260064 Motores, Bielas, Carburadores 2600641 €5.40 Add to cart
Montesa Impala 2 Pipeta bujia Ref 261201 CuentaKilometros, Faros, Electricidad 261201 €5.51 Pipeta bujia Add to cart
Enduro 250 H año 1976 Polished Amal brake lever ref.525515801 Manetas, Puños Y Manillares 525515802 €9.00 Loose polished Amal brake lever Add to cart
Cappra 250 VG 1981 Protector manillar Cappra ref.3830131 Manetas, Puños Y Manillares 3830131 €18.00 Add to cart
Enduro 250 año 1974 Cable Embrague Enduro 250 - 360 ref. 6763067 Motores, Bielas, Carburadores 6763067 €5.49 Add to cart
Enduro 250 H año 1976 Clip piston Enduro, Cappra, Bulon 18mm ref.6660021 Motores, Bielas, Carburadores 6660021 €4.33 Add to cart
Montesa Montesa attention tank adhesive anagram Ref.1160 Anagramas Y Plasticos 1160 €2.00 Yellow and black 4% petrol mixture caution adhesive anagram. Add to cart
Montesa Cota 247 Tuerca fijacion cilindro cota 247-348 Ref 3360161 Muelles, Tuercas Y Tornillos 3360161 €7.26 Tuerca fijacion cilindro cota 247-348 Add to cart
Montesa Crono 125 y 350 Junta torica casquillo piñon salida enduro y cappra ref.00933020010 Gomas, Juntas y Filtros 00933020010 €1.00 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 25 Hoja Pequeña Protector Termico 1.60 mm ref.99711 Kit´s Varios 99711 €7.11 Add to cart
Cappra 360 VA 1975 Juntas motor Cappra 360 VA ref.6660431 Gomas, Juntas y Filtros 6660431 €64.90 Montesa Cappra 360 VA engine gasket set Add to cart
Cappra 250 VG 1981 Boton Paro Leonelli ref.1541 CuentaKilometros, Faros, Electricidad 1540 €37.34 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 123 Goma protector manetas cota Ref 5430167 Manetas, Puños Y Manillares 5430167 €26.79 Goma protector manetas cota Add to cart
Montesa Cota 348 Descompresor cota 348 Ref 3460196 Motores, Bielas, Carburadores 44601961 €52.71 Descompresor cota 348 Add to cart
Herramientas 7 mm allen key and handle for Cota and enduro cylinder nuts ref.45413 Herramientas moto y cueva garaje 45413 €26.21 7 mm Allen key and handle for Montesa Cota, Enduro and Cappra cylinder nuts Add to cart