Electronic ignition for motorcycles brand Montesa Cota 242 - 80 models, with special weight magnet flywheel for trial, manufactured with the highest quality materials, replaces the original platinum magnetic flywheel of the dimensions, with this article comes everything you need to replace the original ignition system with points for a completely electronic system, it avoids the problems related to traditional points, it is much less sensitive to humidity, it has no moving parts, it transforms the bike to 12v.
It includes:
X1 Stator Coils
X1 Magnetic flywheel (weight for trial)
X1 high coil
X1 current regulator
x1 spark plug pipette
X1 Pipette Cable
X1 Flywheel Puller
x1 horn 12 volts
X1 Long Neck Spark Plug
X3 lamps 12V
Valid for:
Montesa Cota 242
Montesa Cota 80
Electronic ignition Montesa Cota 242 ref.39610011
Electronic ignition Montesa Cota 242
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