Montesa Cota 247 Eje basculante cota 247-74 Ref 2840031 2840031 €13.75 Swingarm Montesa Cota 247-74 Add to cart
Montesa impala Turismo Lampara faro 6-25-25 impala REf 1239 1239 €4.11 Lampara faro 6-25-25 impala Add to cart
Montesa impala Turismo Classic universal motorcycle stop button Chrome ref.PE030013012 PE030013012 €9.63 Chrome universal classic stop button with red button Add to cart
Montesa Impalita Discos y pasta pulido Ref 1000 1000 €40.70 Juego discos y pasta pulido para aluminio Add to cart
On sale! Montesa Cota 123 Anagrama Cota 123-1976 KIt Ref 1072 1072 €58.30 Kit Anagrama Cota 123 Del 1976 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 25 Zapatas freno cota 25-49 Ref 2455006 2455006 €31.88 Juego zapatas freno cota 25-49 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 25 Muelle arranque cota 25 Ref 1065014 1065014 €8.35 Muelle arranque cota 25 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 49 Exhaust nut Montesa Cota 49 ref.2060040 2060040 €38.60 Exhaust nut Montesa Cota 49 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 74 Kit rodamientos rueda delantera cota 247-348 ref.00946003 00946003 €16.00 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 247 Reposapies derecho cota 247 Ref 6320012 6320012 €42.89 Reposapies derecho cota 247 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 25 Piston Montesa cota 25 - 49 ref. 2060074 Motores, Bielas, Carburadores 206007004 €125.78 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 49 Magnetic flywheel nut Cota 25 - 49, mini montesa ref.0761043 Motores, Bielas, Carburadores 0761043 €10.89 Magnetic Flywheel Nut Size 25 - 49, minimontesa Add to cart
Varios y Kit's red gasoline tube 0.50 meters ref.4533 Kit´s Varios 4533 €2.80 Red gasoline rubber 0.50 linear meters, 6 mm interior Add to cart
Montesa Impala 2 Pipeta bujia Ref 261201 CuentaKilometros, Faros, Electricidad 261201 €5.51 Pipeta bujia Add to cart
Posters Motos Clasicas Poster motos Montesa Trial Nº7 ref.MG10007 Placas y decoración MG10007 €15.00 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 25 Campana Embrague Montesa Cota 25A ref. 2763128 Embrague y Cambio 2763128 €77.00 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 25 Metal decompressor handle ref. 108311 Manetas, Puños Y Manillares 108311 €12.50 Cota metal decompressor handle in black finish. Add to cart
Montesa Cota 74 Carburetor rubber to Cota filter 74-304-335-242-75 Ref.5262061 Gomas, Juntas y Filtros 5262061 €26.02 Carburetor rubber to the Montesa filter cota 304-49-74-123 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 49 Maneta freno y Puño gas Cota 49 ref.2030162 Manetas, Puños Y Manillares 2030162 €54.81 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 49 Cubierta Delantera 2.50x19 cota 49 ref.2050004 Guardabarros, Ruedas y Frenos 2050004 €71.87 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 49 Funda Sillin Montesa Cota 49 ref.20200711 Sillines Y Depositos 20200711 €29.83 Add to cart
Montesa King Scorpion Puesta apunto platinos Ref 1003 Kit´s Varios 1003 €25.00 Puesta apunto platinos Add to cart
Montesa Impala Comando Restauracion de motores, profesional ref. 9995 Kit´s Varios 9995 €0.00 Restoration of engines, professional, for classic motorcycles. Call us and we will take care of collecting, recovering and restoring it 100% as it came out of the factory. The value of the restoration will always be included in the budget, since it can vary, because each engine has its own history, we prepare customized budgets, ask us without commitment Add to cart
Cascos y Accesorios Aceite motor Castrol MTX 10W40 ref.13301 Motores, Bielas, Carburadores 13301 €15.00 Add to cart
Montesa Cota 49 Varilla freno trasero cota 49 Ref 2055025 Guardabarros, Ruedas y Frenos 2055025 €23.20 Varilla frenop trasero cota 49cc Add to cart
Montesa Rectangular Betor Anagram decal Made In Spain Ref.122503 Anagramas Y Plasticos 122503 €2.65 Rectangular Betor adhesive anagram, chrome effect finish. Add to cart