Rust treatment of metal gasoline tanks, this kit is used to repair the interior of tanks that have deteriorated or rusted interior over time, it can also cover small pores in the tank.
This kit contains:
- 1 Liter of deoxidizer, perfect for removing scale and oxidation.
- 285 gr. of sealant, which serves for protection, both for new and old tanks, and is ideal for sealing small leaks (it does not mean that all impacts that cause holes in the tank will be sealed with this product. This product is for small cracks).
- 55 gr. of catalyst, also very good to finish leaving the tank like new.
- Instructions for the user.
These products are resistant to fuels and solvents.
Valid for:
metal deposit repair and treatment
Resin repair and treatment kit for metal deposits Ref.11
Tank repair and cleaning kit to remove internal rust from metal tanks, and protect the tank with resin.
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